‘ No, I couldn't do what she does’
‘ I would love to do that,but it's not in my nature’
The only thing holding you back from your dream, is your own belief that you don't deserve it.
We are all made up of the same substances and we are all wired with...
This week I struggled with my mental health but as I journaled I realised it was just a lack of meaning in my day. The last 2 months I've been working on my e-book on relationships (coming soon) and I had myself in quite a strict routine. When I finished writing I said
I always wondered why I never hated anyone or how I could just forgive anyone. I always say I would forgive a man if he killed my dad.
Very extreme I know! However as I read this book Altruism I can understand that altruism, compassion and empathy is something I have been practising for...
So today I finished 2 books which now brings me to a total of 5 books for the month of April
On April 1st I wrote down my goals for the month which was 4 books this month and 5k run in 23 minutes. I usually have no idea of my productivity but I want to tell you why it's so important to...
‘I love my boyfriend but there is an age gap ’
‘I feel like my friends will judge me for the guy i'm seeing, he's not what they would expect me to be ’
‘I have this business idea but i'm afraid of what people will think ‘
Your ego cares...
Now I know some of you haven't been taking my advice on meditation
I know this as for years I was reading the benefits of meditation and saying
“Oh what a load of hu-ha I don't have time to think of nothing and I don't want to either’
But the more I saw it repeated over and over again...
We think we know our loved ones pretty well, but in fact, some of us don't ask enough questions.
Do you know what your partner's perfect day looks like?
Do you know your mum's, first love?
Do you know what your dad's first job was and any funny stories to go along with it?
Do you know your...
I believe we are all unique I put here on earth for a divine purpose
The uniqueness is inscribed in 3 ways;
The one-of-a-kind DNA
The particular way our brain is wired
All our individual life experiences that are unlike any others
By our nature we crave a sense of...
So yesterday I asked my instagram what would you like me to talk about in my emails, I want to thank you for all your suggestions, it's good to know you want a bit of everything. I've taken random questions to answer from your suggestions.
‘Im isolated with my...
I struggle to write this ebook on relationships I let my mind take over with resistance.
Now when I notice my mind engaging in negative talk that's when I whip out the Journal.
If you don't address the first negative thought then follows is a string of negative thoughts these...
I keep seeing the word “Bored’ all day as people are now self-isolating.
I want to tell you why I removed this word from my vocabulary
I haven't said ‘I'm bored’ in 2 years
I decided to always be a student every day, there is always something new to learn each day...
So the past few days i've been talking about ways to manage your home in this pandemic,
At this moment, we must accept the current circumstances of staying at home. If we are not accepting then we are resisting and resisting is only straining your brain. When we face a mental battle...