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I Know Where I Get My Sex Drive From mental health

My granny is one of 18 children. Yep, that’s not a typo, my great granny was pregnant 18 times- Like, I basically had no choice in the matter. I had to move away from home. Everyone was my bloody cousin, I had to flee before I accidentally married one!


I decided a long time ago that...

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Jesus Was Right! mental health

‘For the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away’


What I think Jesus was trying to say here was


The person that needs nothing, attracts everything


Someone sent me a post this week about a girl giving out...

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So someone is talking crap about you? mental health

‘Sinead, how do you deal with the negative comments?’


‘What do I do these girls are talking crap about me?’


‘They are bitching about me behind my back saying I’m ___ and ___ when I’m not !’



Let me give you some wise words...

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You Will Never Feel Like It! motivation

‘I will read that book when I’m in a better state of mind’


‘I will do that course when I have more time’


‘I will do that workout when I feel good’


‘I will meditate when I’m in a better place’




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You Cum First ;) mental health

What I want you to understand in this email, is that although goals are so important to have in order to shape your behaviors and habits. It is also important to consider, how you treat yourself every day in the lead up to the goals. As cliche as it sounds:


It not the destinations its the...

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There Is Beauty In Being Broke motivation

Mark Manson sent an email today ( If you are not on his mailing list get on it!) One of the questions he asked himself today was;


What’s the best thing that has ever happened to me?


He goes on to describe how the pandemic as tragic as it was, it was one of the best things that...

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Cake Cures Anxiety mental health

Cake cures anxiety 


Every day, I am learning about human behavior, and this time it’s not from books, it’s from observing my experiences through my own eyes.


This week I left Sydney. Now, I’m not one for celebrating myself. If you know me, you know that I...

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Mind Your Language motivation

Person 1

‘Oh isn't is great this weather,  we are so lucky we have this weather that we can sit out in our gardens and have nice walks’


Person 2

‘Typical! The weather is nice when we can't go anywhere !’

We must mind our language as our children will pick up on...

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What's your name? motivation

So, I'm back in Dublin now after 8 weeks isolated in the country with my parents. I guess I will be here now for the foreseeable, which I'm pretty happy about. I love dublin, I love how friendly everyone is and I always say I’m super aligned walking around the city.


As an extrovert,...

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You Can't control, You Can Only Inspire relationship

We cause ourselves so much pain and resistance by trying to control other people's actions when in fact, we must be rid of this myth that we can somehow control others.


Sometimes I would find myself getting angry and agitated that someone in my life wouldn't meditate.



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A Look Into My Journal mental health
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This week was mental health awareness week

 So above are entries from my Journal in 2018

Looking back at these entries is very emotional. I remember the tears, the no-sleep and just the lack of relationship with myself. I was battling my two minds.


Your two...

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Why Did We Break Up? relationship

As I receive all the feedback from my new book I realised it is helping a lot more people than I thought.


When I wrote the book it was intended to help people in their relationships by understanding who they are individually and understanding who their partner is, but as the feedback...

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