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My E-book is now available to buy...eek! relationship

Hello Sygals

My Ebook is now available to buy...eek!

I'm super nervous about releasing this as it's the first time I’ve ever charged for my words. However, I put so much time and effort into writing this and went completely out of my comfort zone, as you can probably tell from my emails......

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Don't Limit Your Identity motivation


My dog is very ill at the moment, he is 14.5 years old (the little cutie) He can barely use his two back legs but whenever he sees the cat outside he makes a run for him.


Why does my dog do this when he is so unable and after is in such pain ?


Because unlike us humans, he...

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Surrender To Spirituality spiritual

The other day my mum couldn't find the dog lead 


I don't know about anyone else's mum but my mum prays to St. Athony when she loses things.


I’ve thought about this prayer so deeply. I used to roll my eyes when she said that, I used to think  ‘she's a bloody...

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Don't Be Afraid To Live motivation

Don’t be scared to live,

It's what we are here for.


I see a number of people fearing to share their gifts;


Great Singers afraid of singing

Great make-up artists afraid of doing tutorials 

Great writers afraid to showcase their work

Great personal trainers afraid to do...

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Altrusim relationship

Boris Johnson- unfortunately the only BJ in my life right now


Boris has continued to be slated since the pandemic began and although we have a few laughs at some of the videos, we are forgetting that he too is a human being. You’ll notice that he just had a child this week and...

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The Pleasure Plan mental health

Today I woke up demotivated and a little anxious.


Its ok to not feel good


The question is, do you know how to make yourself feel good when you're feeling down ?


Do you know how to turn pain into pleasure ?


When I feel like this I pull out my ‘Happy list’ or...

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She Doesn't Deserve My Friendship relationship

‘ She is so nasty though ? she doesn't deserve it ’


What do you do when your so-called friend doesn't feel like too much of a friend?


Maybe she stole from you or told your boyfriend something she shouldn't have? Maybe she's just being a little mean and not treating you...

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Beer Fear mental health

I would say plenty of you have experienced beer fear before but what people want to know is when you're drunk as a skunk do you say what you truly feel ?


The answer is no.


So when you drink alcohol certain parts of your brain are dehydrated and therefore have low function. Including...

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It's Ok To F**k Up quarantine

I know some people look at me and I think i've got my shit together


I definitely do not have my shit together, Its simply 27 years of trial and error 

Questions in my inbox this week 


‘Sinead I'm so demotivated, I can't get into a routine’


All my...

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Sex With The Lights On relationship

Sex With The Lights On


Can you have sex with the lights on , sheets off ?

Years ago I was that girl 


‘Omg sheets over me , lights off, DON'T LOOK AT ME !!’


I took upon myself to educate myself on desire in the relationship to discover how much of a prune I...

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Commitment issues? relationship

Dealing with an Avoidant

I finished reading attached Below is what I discovered


Do you know if you are anxious, avoidant or secure ?


Even if you do know your attachment type. Do you know how to make it work for you so that you can truly be happy in a relationship ?



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Later Means Never motivation

Stop telling yourself you're going to do the workout later? read the book later? do the course later?

Take action now, write down exactly what you're going to do tomorrow in a schedule and hold yourself to this schedule. Tell someone your schedule or get someone to do it with you so become...

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