The Pleasure Plan
Jun 08, 2020Today I woke up demotivated and a little anxious.
Its ok to not feel good
The question is, do you know how to make yourself feel good when you're feeling down ?
Do you know how to turn pain into pleasure ?
When I feel like this I pull out my ‘Happy list’ or ‘pleasure plan’
This sounds simple but I bet you have never written down a list of 15-25 things that make you happy. You must accomplish the list without the use of food, alcohol, drugs or cigarettes.
When i'm feeling sluggish or down this is when I pull it out. I say
Ok what can I do right now to feel better ?
The first thing on my list is listening to music and dancing around my room, I actually have an emotional rescue playlist that you can listen to that will pull you out of your funk.
My Happy list looks like this
1. Listening to music ( especially 50s music)
2. Watching ‘friends’ or funny sitcoms
3. Walking
4. Reading
5. Talking to friends
6. Nature
7. Cuddles ( I just got down stairs and hug mum or dad they think i'm weird but it makes me feel good)
8. Organising my room
9. Writing my goals
10. Journaling
11. Working out
12. Putting candles on and meditating
13. Changing my face to a smile
14. Fixing up my posture
15. Counting my blessings
16. Learning something new
17. Talking about my crazy ideas with my friends
18. Asking my friends their goals , encouraging them to think
19. Helping people , giving advice
20. Orgasms (Quick tip- Nastygal doesn't just sell clothes ;) Your welcome )
The point here is to have a large list of ways to make yourself feel better, Pleasure won't just randomly show up you must have a plan for pleasure. If you fail to have a pleasure plan you will continue with the pain.
Sinead ‘Dancing around her room all day’ Hegarty
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