Mar 09, 2020I can’t believe I lived without a Revolut card, it’s literally the best thing ever, it changes your money straight away on the app with the best exchange rate and you can just tap it everywhere. You Can get money from your bank account straight away no waiting for transfers to come through, it comes straight across to use at that minute. So you can just load up your account with your daily spending and that way if it gets lost your whole money is still safe and sound in your bank account.
Last year I got charged £326 from Santander for taking money out. At the time £1.99 per transaction I was like hmm yeah ok but Jesus Christ when I got my statement and they all added to that I was like what the hell that is a flight to Bali 😂
It has changed my whole travel experience as sometimes I would be just guessing how much things are and just kind of winging it , But as soon as you tap your Revolut card you get a notification telling you exactly how much you have spent, It tells you how much you’ve spent each day so you can really stick to your budget ,
No need to add up your spending anymore as it’s all done automatically and for FREE!
Saving Vaults
It has vaults which is for saving you pennies, you can set one up in the app so every time you spend the app rounds up to the nearest pound and collects them In a vault , my vault says Vegas Fund.
You can instantly get insurance on the app, if you’re going on holiday just simply go to medical insurance and tap how many days you are going for and you the have insurance ! easy right ? you can also get phone insurance .
Budget Setting
You can see your budgets so easily for your shopping, transport, entertainment etc and you can put monthly budgets on them if you would like a warning when you you’ve spent too much in your local boozer!
Lounge Passes
You can but lounge passes on the app for the airport just simply purchase in app and show the lounge the code and enjoy the airport business lounge.
Lost Card
If you follow me you’ll know I lost my card, I removed the money from it straight away but didn’t cancel it in case I found it and was able to order a new card straight away, I actually ordered 2 in case I lose it again, in the meantime I have a virtual card which I can use on my phone and my apple watch.

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